Attribute Difference Agent |
The Attribute Difference Agent receives events and emits a new event with the difference or change of a specific attribute in comparison to the previous event received. |
比如监控温度变化或页面变化。不断有event进来,监控哪个属性,字段发生了变化 |
Jira Agent |
The Jira Agent subscribes to Jira issue updates. |
Weibo Publish Agent |
The Weibo Publish Agent publishes tweets from the events it receives. |
发送微博,但已失效 |
Twitter Favorites |
The Twitter Favorites List Agent follows the favorites list of a specified Twitter user. |
Website Agent |
The Website Agent scrapes a website, XML document, or JSON feed and creates Events based on the results. |
不用说,最常用的 |
Witai Agent |
The agent receives events, sends a text query to your instance and generates outcome events. |
Google Calendar Publish Agent |
The Google Calendar Publish Agent creates events on your Google Calendar. |
在谷歌日历中添加约会 |
Basecamp Agent |
The Basecamp Agent checks a Basecamp project for new Events |
Telegram Agent |
The Telegram Agent receives and collects events and sends them via Telegram. |
接收和发送Telegram |
Aftership Agent |
The Aftership agent allows you to track your shipment from aftership and emit them into events. |
Phantom Js Cloud Agent |
This Agent generates PhantomJs Cloud URLs that can be used to render JavaScript-heavy webpages for content extraction. |
非常有用!生成PhantomJs的链接,用于解析全文 |
Gap Detector Agent |
The Gap Detector Agent will watch for holes or gaps in a stream of incoming Events and generate “no data alerts”. |
监控某个event流是否断流,进行告警。比如宕机了 |
Csv Agent |
The CsvAgent parses or serializes CSV data. When parsing, events can either be emitted for the entire CSV, or one per row. |
解析csv文件 |
Webhook Agent |
The Webhook Agent will create events by receiving webhooks from any source. In order to create events with this agent, make a POST request to: |
动态生成一个event。也就是通过post接口,发送event的各项属性,给这个agent,这个agent就能帮你生成对应的event |
Human Task Agent |
The Human Task Agent is used to create Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs) on Mechanical Turk. |
Twitter Action Agent |
The Twitter Action Agent is able to retweet or favorite tweets from the events it receives. |
Twitter User Agent |
The Twitter User Agent either follows the timeline of a specific Twitter user or follows your own home timeline including both your tweets and tweets from people whom you are following. |
Digest Agent |
The Digest Agent collects any Events sent to it and emits them as a single event. |
给多个event生成一个摘要event |
Stubhub Agent |
The StubHub Agent creates an event for a given StubHub Event. |
Growl Agent |
The Growl Agent sends any events it receives to a Growl GNTP server immediately. |
Http Status Agent |
The HttpStatusAgent will check a url and emit the resulting HTTP status code with the time that it waited for a reply. Additionally, it will optionally emit the value of one or more specified headers. |
用http响应码,检查某个url是否能访问,是否可达/宕机 |
Imap Folder Agent |
The Imap Folder Agent checks an IMAP server in specified folders and creates Events based on new mails found since the last run. In the first visit to a folder, this agent only checks for the initial status and does not create events. |
Email Agent |
The Email Agent sends any events it receives via email immediately. |
Weibo User Agent |
The Weibo User Agent follows the timeline of a specified Weibo user. It uses this endpoint: |
User Location Agent |
The User Location Agent creates events based on WebHook POSTS that contain a latitude and longitude . You can use the POSTLocation or PostGPS iOS app to post your location to where :secret is specified in your options. |
S3 Agent |
The S3Agent can watch a bucket for changes or emit an event for every file in that bucket. When receiving events, it writes the data into a file on S3. |
Change Detector Agent |
The Change Detector Agent receives a stream of events and emits a new event when a property of the received event changes. |
监控一连串的event,中的指定属性字段。一旦发生变化,就发出告警event |
Twilio Agent |
The Twilio Agent receives and collects events and sends them via text message (up to 160 characters) or gives you a call when scheduled. |
发短信打电话,是否支持大陆未知 |
Pushbullet Agent |
The Pushbullet agent sends pushes to a pushbullet device |
Pushbullet 通知 |
Twitter Search Agent |
The Twitter Search Agent performs and emits the results of a specified Twitter search. |
Local File Agent |
The LocalFileAgent can watch a file/directory for changes or emit an event for every file in that directory. When receiving an event it writes the received data into a file. |
Trigger Agent |
The Trigger Agent will watch for a specific value in an Event payload. |
监控,类似Change Detector Agent,区别是定量,在满足给定条件时,才触发 |
Email Digest Agent |
The Email Digest Agent collects any Events sent to it and sends them all via email when scheduled. The number of |
把event汇总,发送邮件摘要 |
Adioso Agent |
The Adioso Agent will tell you the minimum airline prices between a pair of cities, and within a certain period of time. |
Event Formatting Agent |
The Event Formatting Agent allows you to format incoming Events, adding new fields as needed. |
最常用的。修改或转换event中的某个字段 |
Ftpsite Agent |
The Ftp Site Agent checks an FTP site and creates Events based on newly uploaded files in a directory. When receiving events it creates files on the configured FTP server. |
Twitter Publish Agent |
The Twitter Publish Agent publishes tweets from the events it receives. |
Scheduler Agent |
The Scheduler Agent periodically takes an action on target Agents according to a user-defined schedule. |
在指定时间,运行/启用/禁用 指定的agent,用于精细调整agent的运行时间 |
Slack Agent |
The Slack Agent lets you receive events and send notifications to Slack. |
Translation Agent |
The Translation Agent will attempt to translate text between natural languages. |
Post Agent |
A Post Agent receives events from other agents (or runs periodically), merges those events with the Liquid-interpolated contents of payload , and sends the results as POST (or GET) requests to a specified url. To skip merging in the incoming event, but still send the interpolated payload, set no_merge to true . |
强大的agent,发送http post |
Delay Agent |
The DelayAgent stores received Events and emits copies of them on a schedule. Use this as a buffer or queue of Events. |
缓冲时间,给event的,财新周刊那个用到了 |
Rss Agent |
The RSS Agent consumes RSS feeds and emits events when they change. |
读取rss源 |
Dropbox File Url Agent |
The DropboxFileUrlAgent is used to work with Dropbox. It takes a file path (or multiple files paths) and emits events with either temporary links or permanent links. |
Hipchat Agent |
The Hipchat Agent sends messages to a Hipchat Room |
Pushover Agent |
The Pushover Agent receives and collects events and sends them via push notification to a user/group. |
Boxcar Agent |
The Boxcar agent sends push notifications to iPhone. |
Twitter Stream Agent |
The Twitter Stream Agent follows the Twitter stream in real time, watching for certain keywords, or filters, that you provide. |
Google Flights Agent |
The GoogleFlightsAgent will tell you the minimum airline prices between a pair of cities. |
Tumblr Publish Agent |
The Tumblr Publish Agent publishes Tumblr posts from the events it receives. |
De Duplication Agent |
The De-duplication Agent receives a stream of events and remits the event if it is not a duplicate. |
当有许多event,需要去除重复时 |
Wunderlist Agent |
The WunderlistAgent creates new Wunderlist tasks based on the incoming event. |
Peak Detector Agent |
The Peak Detector Agent will watch for peaks in an event stream. When a peak is detected, the resulting Event will have a payload message of message . You can include extractions in the message, for example: I saw a bar of: {{}} , have a look at the Wiki for details. |
峰值检测?不知道有啥用。前面已经有类似的啊 |
Dropbox Watch Agent |
The Dropbox Watch Agent watches the given dir_to_watch and emits events with the detected changes. |
Sentiment Agent |
The Sentiment Agent generates good-bad (psychological valence or happiness index), active-passive (arousal), and strong-weak (dominance) score. It will output a value between 1 and 9. It will only work on English content. |
对语义的情绪进行机器判断,很少用,不支持中文 |
Weather Agent |
The Weather Agent creates an event for the day’s weather at a given location . |
Shell Command Agent |
The Shell Command Agent will execute commands on your local system, returning the output. |
在服务器命令行上执行一个命令,返回结果 |
Commander Agent |
The Commander Agent is triggered by schedule or an incoming event, and commands other agents (“targets”) to run, disable, configure, or enable themselves. |
又一个自反性的agent,用于控制其他agent,比如启用禁用 |
Json Parse Agent |
The JSON Parse Agent parses a JSON string and emits the data in a new event |
解析Json源 |
Pdf Info Agent |
The PDF Info Agent returns the metadata contained within a given PDF file, using HyPDF. |
Mqtt Agent |
The MQTT Agent allows both publication and subscription to an MQTT topic. |
Public Transport Agent |
The Public Transport Request Agent generates Events based on NextBus GPS transit predictions. |
Liquid Output Agent |
The Liquid Output Agent outputs events through a Liquid template you provide. Use it to create a HTML page, or a json feed, or anything else that can be rendered as a string from your stream of Huginn data. |
用liquid生成html或json,这么做不知道有啥意义 |
Manual Event Agent |
The Manual Event Agent is used to manually create Events for testing or other purposes. |
手动生成一个event,调试时非常有用 |
Java Script Agent |
The JavaScript Agent allows you to write code in JavaScript that can create and receive events. If other Agents aren’t meeting your needs, try this one! |
Evernote Agent |
The Evernote Agent connects with a user’s Evernote note store. |
Evernote笔记,目前只支持国际版 |
Jabber Agent |
The Jabber Agent will send any events it receives to your Jabber/XMPP IM account. |
Data Output Agent |
The Data Output Agent outputs received events as either RSS or JSON. Use it to output a public or private stream of Huginn data. |
最常用的,不用说 |
Twilio Receive Text Agent |
The Twilio Receive Text Agent receives text messages from Twilio and emits them as events. |
Read File Agent |
The ReadFileAgent takes events from FileHandling agents, reads the file, and emits the contents as a string. |
读取文件内容 |